ACFIP Newsletter 
September 2019
Issue 62
Quarterly Newsletter of the Australian Centre for Inner Peace


1. Individual healing sessions via Skype

I have been giving healing sessions for over 30 years, and have now decided to offer healing sessions via Skype. When I travel and give workshops I am often asked for a session but have virtually no time available. Recently I gave a healing session via Skype and I noticed it was effective. The client and I both felt we were in the same room together. As A Course in Miracles states, Òall minds are joinedÓ, so perhaps I should not be surprised. Time and space are ego illusions, not SpiritÕs.

For more information and fees please go here.

Videos on my A Course in Miracles  YouTube channel

Changes since the last newsletter are in red

8 healing and forgiveness videos
Over the next few weeks I will be releasing 8 healing and forgiveness videos.
I have previously made these available as CDs and Mp3s for sale and can still be bought in these formats from 
my website

7 Steps to peace exercise
Pt.1 For an explanation of this exercise click here. (11mins)
Pt.2 For a guided exercise using these 7 steps click here (14mins)
I will be adding more videos on Course themes. If you want to be automatically informed of new additions please press Subscribe on the YouTube page where my video is showing and click on the bell so it appears as if it is ringing. This ensures you will get an email update when new videos are added.
An updated list of videos will be found on my website at: My Video Channel

3. ACIM Workbook lessons and commentaries.
Tina Spalding, a trance channel, is reading all the 365 Workbook lessons and then channels a commentary from Jesus.
They are published daily and can be seen on her YouTube channel "Channeling Jesus & Ananda"

I am also collecting the audio only versions which are available in my DropBox and will be updated as new lessons are produced by Tina:

Instructions for listening to DropBox links on a computer.
When you double click a link below it opens in your web browser on your computer. You can choose to play it right away in the browser or in the top right of the page you can press the Download button and it will download to your computer. I find it takes a few seconds before the download starts.

Instructions for listening on a smart phone or tablet..
If you are using a smart phone or tablet you will need to get the free Dropbox app. When you tap one of the links it will open in Dropbox where you can play and pause at the bottom of the screen. You can store the audio offline for those times you are not connected to the internet. Simply locate and tap the three dots at the top right of the screen and tap ÒMake available OfflineÓ. The audio will be downloaded and appear under Recent on the Home Page.

4. Complete audio version of A Course in Miracles and Supplements available free of charge on YouTube.
These audios are supplied by the publisher of A Course in Miracles, the Foundation for Inner Peace.


If you wish to read previous issues please go to

If your email address ends with .au I put your address on my Australian list for advance notice of workshops I am giving in Australia. If you do not want to be on this list please let me know. If you reside in Australia and want to be on this list, but your address does not end in .au, please email me and I will include it.

If you are new to the Course you might find my summaries of help.


A Course in Miracles Material

 How Can I Hear my Inner Guidance? - Michael Dawson 
*  The Burglar - A Holy Encounter - Kenneth Wapnick
*  7 Steps to Peace

Non Dual Teachings

 Opening to our Inner Wisdom - Salice Dawson 
 SaliceÕs poems - Going back home 
 Short audios - Channeled by Tina Spalding 


* Workshops
* Books and Audio Materials for Sale
* Links
* Inspirational Quotations

A Course in Miracles Material

How Can I Hear my Inner Guidance?

What is the Holy Spirit?

In A Course in Miracles inner guidance is referred to as the communication to us from the Holy Spirit. Kenneth Wapnick's Glossary Index for A Course in Miracles gives the following definition of the Holy Spirit ;

the Third Person of the Trinity Who is metaphorically described in the
Course as God's Answer to the separation; the Communication Link between
God and His separated Sons, bridging the gap between the Mind of Christ
and our split mind; the memory of God and His Son we took with us into
our dream; the One Who sees our illusions (perception), leading us
through them to the truth (knowledge); the Voice for God Who speaks for
Him and for our real Self, reminding us of the Identity we forgot; also
referred to as Bridge, Comforter, Guide, Mediator, Teacher, and Translator.

The Course is written on different levels. Sometimes the Holy Spirit is described as a comforting friend Who seems almost human. In other places He is described in a much more abstract way. 

(The Holy Spirit) is the Call to return with which God blessed the minds of His separated Sons.......(He) is God's Answer to the separation; the means by which the Atonement heals........The principle of Atonement and the separation began at the same time. When the ego was made, God placed in the mind the call to joy

The principle of the Atonement is that nothing has happened. We are still at home in Heaven dreaming of the separation (T-10.I.2:1). The function of the Holy Spirit is to awaken us from this dream, not to make the dream a better place by solving our practical problems here.

What the Holy Spirit does not do.

The Holy Spirit is not concerned with form, being aware only of meaning. T-9.I.10:4
Bringing illusion to truth, or the ego to God, is the Holy SpiritÕs only function. T-14.IX.1:4

In the bible, and mentioned in the Course, is the story of the prodigal son. Leaving his father's home (Heaven) in search of something more (this world) he eventually ends up disheartened in a pigsty. It would be tempting for him to pray to the Holy Spirit to improve his lot. He might ask for things to make the pigsty more comfortable and entertaining. If the Holy Spirit would grant such wishes, which is impossible, then it would only delay the joyous homecoming of the son to the father. This is an example of trying to bring truth into the illusion and fix it up. The Course states that the only meaningful prayer is to learn forgiveness (T-3.V.6:3) for then we will discover we have been given everything and to ask for things only reinforces our sense of lack.

You whose mind is darkened by doubt and guilt, remember this: God gave the Holy Spirit to you, and gave Him the mission to remove all doubt and every trace of guilt His dear Son had laid upon himself. 

The above passage emphasises a loving God with no wish to pass judgement on His one Son who has simply fallen asleep and is experiencing nightmares. The Holy Spirit's only task is to gently steer the prodigal son back home.

The Holy Spirit makes no distinction among dreams. He merely shines them away. T-6.V.4:4

No sacrifice required

The Holy Spirit will direct you only so as to avoid pain. T-7.X.3:1

There is no sacrifice involved in following the Holy Spirit 's guidance except the sacrifice of our illusions. Our ego will counsel us that things will only get worse if we follow His guidance and we best rely on our experience in life to make decisions.

(The Holy Spirit) will take nothing from you as long as you have any need of it. T-13.VII.12:5

We particularly fear that we might have to give up our relationship, job or way of life. The Course points out that this is rarely asked. Instead we are counselled to change our perceptions of our world instead.

What is required of us?

The Holy Spirit asks of you but this: bring to Him every secret you have locked away from Him. Open every door to Him, and bid Him enter the darkness and lighten it away. At your request He enters gladly. He brings the light to the darkness if you make the darkness open to him. T-14.VIII.6:1-4

Our job is to be willing to look at everything in our minds without judgement. To bring all our dark thoughts into awareness so the Holy Spirit can shine them away. We cannot heal them, only the Holy Spirit. If we keep them hidden healing becomes impossible.
It is not easy or comfortable to face the darkness in us as our ego will rush in to judge what we find. Jesus asks us to learn to smile gently at what we find. They are only nightmares, not sins. If we could damage the Christ in us then that would be a sin. However, our Christ nature is eternal, perfect and unchanging and thus it's impossible to be changed in any way.

Do not leave any spot of pain hidden from the light (of the Holy Spirit), and search your mind carefully for any thoughts you may fear to uncover. T-13.III.7:5

(The Holy Spirit) cannot shine away what you keep hidden, for you have not offered it to Him and He cannot take it from you. T-12.II.9:8

How do I know it's the Holy Spirit talking to me?

The Voice of the Holy Spirit does not command, because it is incapable of arrogance. T-5.II.7:1

It is helpful to imagine the Holy Spirit as a light house in our mind ready to wrap its guiding light around any problem and show us how to be peaceful. Light houses do not do anything - they simply shine. It is up to us to avail ourselves of their help. Light houses do not command a ship to change course to safer waters nor punish those ship's captains who ignore them.

It is the ego that commands and insists we follow its advice and warns us of fearful consequences if we fail to obey it.

It does not demand, because it does not seek control. T-5.II.7:2

The ego always seeks to win at another's expense. Kill or be killed is its motto. The Holy Spirit wants a win-win situation where everyone benefits from His counsel. The Holy Spirit will never demand we follow its advice whilst the ego always will.

It does not overcome, because it does not attack. T-5.II.7:3

The ego believes we must fight to get what we want and thus reinforces our own feeling of inadequacy. The Holy Spirit does not attack because truth needs no defence, only illusions. The stronger the illusion the greater the ego defence.

It merely reminds . It is compelling only because of what it reminds you of.   T-5.II.7:4-5

This is the true power of the Holy Spirit - the power to remind us of who we really are, the Christ. Once this memory starts to return we will laugh at the idea that attack can bring us what we want. The ego relies on argument and persuasion to get its way.

It brings to your mind the other way, remaining quiet even in the midst of the turmoil you may make. 

No matter how upset we become the Holy Spirit stands as a silent reminder of another way of being.

The Voice for God is always quiet, because it speaks of peace.  T-5.II.7:7

In contrast the ego is loud and insistent. If we listen to it it will drown out the Holy Spirit's voice.

Guidance can come in many ways - a quiet knowing, a hunch, an inner voice (rare), a dream, a book, through a conversation etc.

When we first start turning within to hear the Holy Spirit 's guidance it can be difficult to hear it. The ego will dress up as the Holy Spirit and give us what we want to hear. We cannot be sure at the time if it is really the Holy Spirit and not the ego. We need a lot of practice to recognise the true voice and thus we need to be patient and gentle with ourselves otherwise the ego will return by the back door and judge you for being a poor Course student. It is only the ego that applies pressure to do things correctly.

The goal of the Course is inner peace. We need therefore to ask for guidance that will bring us peace. We will know later by observation if our decision takes us towards or away from peace. Of course, some guidance may initially lead to more challenge in our life, for example, if we feel guided to leave our relationships.

There is no point in asking the Holy Spirit to talk louder. Instead, become aware of the ego's voice of judgement and attack which are saying I would rather be right than happy. (T-29.VII.1:9) Justifying our anger blocks hearing the Holy Spirit as His guidance would counsel us thus;

"You never hate your brother for his sins, but only for your own" T-31.III.1:5

Our wanting to be right is our statement we rather listen to the ego than the Holy Spirit. As the ego's voice becomes quieter through forgiveness we can start to hear the Holy Spirit's voice clearer. 

Some common traps in seeking guidance.

At the beginning we will fool ourselves many times by getting the answers our egos want us to hear. When Helen Schucman asked for specifics e.g. the dates of death of her friends she was always wrong in the answers she received.

It is possible even in this world to hear only that Voice and no other. It takes effort and great willingness to learn. It is the final lesson that I learned, and God's Sons are as equal as learners as they are as Sons. 

When we ask for guidance it is difficult to be open to any answer. Instead we are tempted to offer the Holy Spirit our choice of answers from which He can choose. However, if the correct answer is not within these choices no accurate guidance can be forthcoming.

St. John of the Cross (16th century) was quite familiar it seems with peoples illusions around guidance:

ÒAnd I am appalled at what happens in these days Ð namely,
when some soul with a pennyÕs worth of meditation experience, if
it be conscious of certain locutions [voices] of this kind in some
states of recollection, at once christens them all as coming from
God.... This happens very commonly, and many persons are
greatly deceived by it, thinking that they have attained to a high
degree of prayer and are receiving communications from God.
Wherefore, they either write this down or cause it to be written,
and it turns out to be nothing, and to have the substance of no
virtue, and it serves only to encourage them in vanity.Ó

We are tempted to want to receive guidance that upholds our specialness, earthly wishes and individuality.

We need to beware of feeling enthusiasm when we think we have received guidance. Most likely we are just hearing what we wanted to hear. True guidance comes without a big fan fare - it's a quiet knowing what we must do.

Beware of signs. I may feel "guided" to go to India and seek a wise teacher feeling that would solve all my problems. In fact, I feel quite excited by the prospect. I then see a photo of India and take it as confirmation of my guidance. The ego will seek out these signs to reinforce its guidance to us.

Striving to be more spiritual is another block to hearing. The ego is back in charge. But we do not know the way to God, He does. Our job is to practise daily forgiveness, the awakening will then happen by itself.

Being Practical

To ask the Holy Spirit to decide for you is simply to accept your true inheritance. Does this mean that you cannot say anything without consulting Him? No, indeed! That would hardly be practical, and it is the practical with which this course is most concerned. M-29.5

It is another trap to think we can't make any decisions without first asking the Holy Spirit.

If you have made it a habit to ask for help when and where you can, you can be confident that wisdom will be given you when you need it. M-29.5:8

The Course assures us that if we need plans they will be given to us at the right time. Thus there is no need to worry about the future. Jesus tells us we have been badly taught and need to resign as our own teacher (T-12.V.8:3). He also knows we find this personally insulting to be told we know nothing of true value and this will delay our progress until humility starts to dawn in our minds.

If our days are dedicated to peace, kindness and forgiveness we open the door to being quietly led by the Holy Spirit through all of life's challenges. We are asked to have "a little willingness" to leave behind our desire to control all that happens in our lives, to stop holding the hand of the ego and instead pick up the hand of the Holy Spirit or Jesus.

If you are willing to renounce the role of guardian of your thought system and open it to me, I will correct it very gently and lead you back to God. T4.I.4:7


- A Holy Encounter - 
 from ÒThe Meaning of ForgivenessÓ  by Kenneth Wapnick. 

Several years ago, I was awakened in the middle of the night by the sudden realization there was someone standing in my room.  After the momentary shock, I remembered Òthere is nothing to fearÓ (workbook lesson 48), and calmly asked my uninvited guest:  ÒWhat can I do for you?Ó  The situation was not obscure, however.  It was clear that the man was on drugs and desperately needed money for his next fix;  burglars rarely enter occupied apartments.  He threateningly held his hand in his jacket as if he had a gun, to punctuate his demand.  My defenselessness seemed to change the atmosphere in the room, however, and the man soon began apologizing for having broken in and disturbing my sleep.  I gave him whatever money I had in my wallet, and the man paused as he took it and then returned a couple of dollars, saying:  ÒThis is all your money, I canÕt leave you with nothing.Ó  And he went on apologizing.  I assured him it was all right, and urged him to do what he had to do.  As I ushered the man to the hall, waiting with him for the elevator, I said:  ÒGod bless you.Ó  His final words as he disappeared into the elevator were:  ÒPlease pray for me.Ó  I assured him I would, although I knew that this holy encounter had been the prayer.  No injustice had been done, for there had been no real loss.  The amount of money was small ÒpriceÓ indeed for the blessing of forgiveness that had been given and received as one.


7 Steps to Peace Exercise

Click here to download the exercise instructions.

For an explanation (YouTube) of this exercise click here. (11mins)
For a guided exercise (YouTube) using these 7 steps click here (14mins)


Non Dual Teachings

This part of the newsletter offers input from non-dual teachers. What is non-duality? The word Ônon-dualÕ means not two. On the first page of the ACIM text there is two line summary of a Course in Miracles. It begins with the line ÒNothing real can be threatened
This refers to what God created Ð eternal, formless, spirit. Eternal means never born and therefore cannot change or die. The Course uses the expression Ôthe ChristÕ to denote this. Behind all the seeming multiplicity of the universe there is actually only one essential reality. Just as all the images on the cinema screen seem different, the light that creates them is one.

There is nothing outside you. That is what you must ultimately learn, for it is the realization that the Kingdom of Heaven is restored to you. For God created only this, and He did not depart from it nor leave it separate from Himself. The Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God, who left not his Father and dwells not apart from Him. Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.
A Course in Miracles T-18.VI.1.

The second line of the summary states ÓNothing unreal exists.Ó This refers to everything that is born and therefore dies - the egoÕs world. Thus everything in the universe including ourselves is not real according to the Course. It is like a great dream. Only perfect oneness is real. 

There are two forms of non-duality Ð pure and impure. In the impure form God is aware that the universe is a dream and experiences itself through it - God's Leela or play as they say in the East. In the pure form of non-duality God is unaware of the universe. The Course is an example of pure non-dual teachings. A metaphor for this is a cinema projector where the lamp in the projector represents God. When the ego's film of separation is run past the light it is projected onto the screen of time and space. The light of God makes this possible, but the lamp is unaware of what is on the screen and would continue to shine when the film is taken away. To continue with this metaphor the light extending from the lamp is who we are, the Christ. ( See chart

You dwell not here, but in eternity.
You travel but in dreams, while safe at home. 

You are at home in God, dreaming of exile but perfectly capable of awaking to reality. 


 The following article was written by my late wife Salice Dawson in 1991, four years before she died.
In the following section I have included some of her poems.


by Salice Dawson

"No-one gladly obeys a guide he does not trust,
but this does not mean the guide is untrustworthy.
In this case, it always means that the follower is.
However this too, is merely a matter of his own belief.
Believing that he can betray, he believes that everything can betray him.
Yet this is only because he has elected to follow false guidance.
Unable to follow this guidance without fear, he associates fear with
guidance and refuses to follow any guidance at all."

From "A Course in Miracles" T-7.X.5:8-13

What is Inner Wisdom?
Inner Wisdom is that part of us which is beyond our rational, logical and conscious mind. We are generally brought up to believe the mind is our primary source of information with regard to the world and we learn little, if anything, of our "other" nature. This "other" nature is our inner wisdom and is reached through our deeper intuition, instinct, hunches and the validity of our feelings. This is our inner voice, our inner wisdom.

We connect with our inner wisdom in a variety of ways, often without even knowing that we do so. Have you ever picked up a book, opened it at random and read a sentence that has a powerful effect on you? Or perhaps the whole book does. Someone may say something in conversation that strikes a deep cord in you or you may experience a profoundness from watching a beautiful sunset or walking in nature. However, we can greatly increase our ability to contact our inner wisdom and this includes our being aware of some of the obstacles which normally prevent us from doing so.

1. Be still. Create a space where you can be relaxed. Turn the telephone off, lock the door, make yourself comfortable and quieten your mind as much as possible. Rituals are not necessary although they may help in settling you. If you are open, the answer can come at any time, in any place or situation. It may help to jot down what you sense or receive, even if you think its coming from your conscious mind. Just look at it and see what insights it has. The mind "loses control" when you connect within and can react strongly causing you to feel disturbed. The mind will try to distract you and draw your attention away with excuses of all kinds from having a sneezing fit, feeling you must do something else such as one of the many chores that always need to be done to even getting sudden aches and pains in the body. The mind does not want you to listen within. 'A Course in Miracles' states "It is only because you think you can run some part or deal with certain aspects of your life alone that guidance of the Holy Spirit is limited". T-14.XI.8:4

2. Have no investments. Let go of any need, desire or investment to hear or sense an answer. Sometimes we do not realise we have already formed an answer and we simply will not hear anything. Or we may be afraid or feel too "unsafe" to hear the truth. What is the price if we "let go"? Does it mean a breakup in our relationship, changing our job, moving to a new place? If you get frustrated or angry, it is a clear sign you have an investment. Your mind is in charge and you need to let go.

3. Open yourself to hearing, feeling, knowing. Willingness to hear is the only thing necessary. "A Course in Miracles" states "If you cannot hear the Voice for God, it is because you do not choose to listen." T-4.IV.1:1 Remember, the Voice of God can come in any guise. Guidance is always there, we just don't know it is. We do things we don't want to do as we don't know we don't want to do them. If we push our mind thoughts away of what we "should" and "ought" to do, the truth is there underneath. This can be threatening as it may mean doing something which requires us to empower ourselves. This may feel uncomfortable and it may upset others around to you. However, if we stop to check our energy and really touch in to our inner selves, we may pick up that we feel flat to our "oughts" and "shoulds" and that our surface enthusiasm is false.

4. Listen with assurance, acceptance and trust. As the conscious mind is who we think we are, an inner voice may be felt or seen as crazy. Giving up our attempts to solve problems with our conscious mind is very threatening to our ego which wants to remain in control. Trust what you get if it feels right. The answer may be challenging and even frighten your mind but go beneath that layer and get a sense of how it feels at a deeper level. You will know if it feels right, even if it is not what you want to hear. If the guidance does not "make sense" from our mind's point of view but still feels right, we may have to trust and go forward not knowing what the next step will be.

I once heard a very clear and firm voice as I was going to sleep one night. I was working in London at the time and wasn't even trying to connect with my inner wisdom. I suddenly heard a voice saying very clearly "You will be living at Findhorn". I couldn't comprehend what I heard. Although I had visited the Findhorn Foundation in northern Scotland the previous year, I had no intention or desire whatsoever to return there. The voice then repeated "You will be living at Findhorn." I then felt a deep reaction in my solar plexus - a knowing which could not be denied or distorted - but nevertheless, my mind tried to do so! I remember saying to myself "No, no I won't" and the voice replying with such gentleness and patience, "Yes you will". For 24 hours, I thought of every possible objection, and there were many, as to why I shouldn't leave my job, friends, where I was living etc. and all the time knowing that I would. It only took 24 hours before my mind stopped fighting and with this acceptance, came a sense of peace, delight and anticipation. It felt right, I knew it was right even though it was a huge step to take in so many ways.

5. What other clues can help you to know if your inner wisdom is right?
Apart from feeling and knowing at a deeper level, you sometimes feel a warm glow, a sense of peace or relief. If we truly flow with our inner wisdom, things will fall into place easily and gracefully. Our needs will be met and often the way will be paved by other people helping you in unexpected ways.

Earlier this year, I was travelling with my partner in Europe. In between commitments, we had two free weeks and my partner thought it would be an excellent idea to go to Greece where we could relax, read and enjoy some sun. Normally such an idea would have enormous appeal to me. Greece has always been a somewhat 'magic' place in my mind. However, I felt no real desire to go, a definite flatness and disinterest which I could not understand. My partner was very keen to go and although I mentioned my lack of enthusiasm, I didn't really pursue it because it made such sense to go there. We duly visited a travel agent but found we couldn't get a flight on the day we wanted nor could we get a return flight when we wanted. Also we couldn't fly out of Hamburg but would have to travel hundreds of miles to another airport. Still, my partner insisted on going to Greece and it wasn't until some 4 or 5 days later that I voiced my concern, my lack of energy and my 'sense' that it just wasn't right to go there. My partner then 'checked inside', going beneath the level of his mind and discovered that he too didn't feel 'right' about it either. He had been holding on because he had planned what he wanted to do in Greece - have time to study, read and relax. However, our inner wisdom led us to proceed to Switzerland for the 2 weeks where we had an extraordinary time. Everything fell in to place. Some friends were able to get us an apartment where they lived and very cheaply. We were in a superb position near the alps and overlooking some lakes. And it was here, that we were truly able to relax, study and take some very necessary time for ourselves in perfect surroundings. We felt we were very 'guided' and we both suspect that if we had gone to Greece as planned, it would not have been 'right' for us. Our needs would not have been met in the way they were in Switzerland.

6. Which voice do you take notice of?
The wisdom from within is usually soft. We have to stop and listen to hear it. It will suggest and advise but never demand surrender of your free will. It will not conflict with your personal ethics and never asks you to attack or hurt others or force them to do things. It will never be offended if you ignore what it says or if you question it. This voice requires our willingness to want it. It is never forced upon us. The voice from the mind or ego is usually louder and more forceful. It may be confusing or contradictory and you may even hear a number of voices competing for attention. This voice or voices may seek to flatter and to appeal to glamour, specialness and desire for personal gratification. If you examine it, it will feel wrong unless you are attached to the answer in which case, you will find yourself trying to convince yourself that it is right. It may be that this voice will mimic the inner voice and even make sense. You have to look at the content.

7. What questions should you ask? It is better to ask specific questions of your inner wisdom such as "what should I do about this particular problem" rather than wide-ranging questions such as "how can I help heal the world". If you are unsure about what you get, or if it feels wrong, listen again to get a clearer sense. Often the ego speaks first but if you listen closely and with patience, a quieter voice will come. If there are alot of obstacles or difficulties in response to the wisdom within, it has probably been distorted by the mind. If we interpret something wrongly, it doesn't matter. How many times have we had a hunch, an instinct to do something but have not followed it? So we may have lost some time by taking a wrong turn but our inner wisdom has infinite patience and is always there for us. It will never reject us because we didn't take notice the first time.

Occasionally we may receive guidance for others but this is very rare and usually such guidance comes from the ego.

8. How often should we listen? Whenever we lose our joy or peace, we need to check within. Anxiety, fear, anger, pain, irritation or frustration are all signs that this has occurred. It is good to ask ourselves "why am I doing this"? Will it make me happy"? What is my motive"? However, if you find yourself asking within before every move, this speaks more of fear than of trust and is a way of avoiding our own responsibility.

Remember, be open to all sources. God's 'Voice' is everywhere.


For myself (Michael) I have learnt that inner guidance comes quietly without any enthusiasm. If I get excited by the guidance I receive I now know it's from my ego. It comes as a quiet knowing "Oh, this is what I need to do". The test of true guidance is that it will make you feel more peaceful. Not necessarily straight away as the guidance might be asking for a change that affects another (e.g. guidance to separate), but eventually when you look back on the decision to follow the guidance you realise you are now more peaceful because of it


SALICE'S POEMS - going back home -

Salice Dawson's poems chronicle an inner journey of the last eight months of her life spanning 1994 to 1995. Most of the poems were written preceding the diagnosis of her breast cancer on December 8th, 1994. It was not to later I realised they were poems about leaving.

Salice had always known an inner voice since childhood. She had never enquired who or what it was until I once asked her. Her answer from within was Jesus. Many of these poems are addressed to him.

I had observed that after we had moved from Findhorn in Scotland to Australia in 1994 Salice could not really find anything to focus on in life - nothing much excited her about this world. The early poems reflect this theme.

After the diagnosis of breast cancer she was at first undecided on what course of action to take. Orthodox medical practitioners were keen for a speedy intervention - chemotherapy, radiation and a mastectomy. Initially Salice was tempted but soon her inner guidance suggested that she should not follow that road.

From December to early May she remained active and comparatively well with little pain that was easily controlled. Shortly after entering hospital on May 14th she entered a coma and died peacefully on May 21st.

After Salice's death a friend of mine received a communication from her which I have placed at the end of these poems. Salice was a student of A Course in Miracles and I feel her poems can help and inspire others to recognise a greater perspective at these times of crisis.

Below is a short selection from her poems. The complete set can be found at


I would let this world go,
Gently disappearing from my mind's grasp
Opening to something else
that I do not yet quite know.
But you are there to lead the way
And I would follow.
For what truly is there
but the Home you represent.

I would let this world go
My dreams of time ongoing
With endless goals yet to be reached.
The glitter of gold, the deep glow of rubies
The flash of diamonds in the sun.
All this and more would I release
To walk with you my Lord.

For you are the Light by
which I will find my way,
No more to stumble endlessly
In my dreams of darkness.
Let go, let go, the angel
cries as she beckons me onwards
Pointing the way with arms outstretched.
And so my Lord, I come to you at last.

24th September, 1994

The first poem I wrote, inspired by
a number of poems from The Gifts of God
by Helen Schucman, Foundation for Inner Peace


Let go, let go and come with me
Beyond your dreams so dear
The idols of the world you see
Can only lead to fear.
They will keep you
chained and forever caught
In the cavern of your mind

And thus you seek to shut me out
And know not you are blind.

Dear child you do not know you call
In such anguish from your heart
And I am ready waiting here
For never did I depart.
Always you will find me
Behind that veil so dim
Tis nothing you see to push it aside
And let me walk right in.

I see you reaching for another dream
To take away the pain.
I could give you a happy one
To lead you home again.
But no you say, disturb me not
For I would play some more.
All right my child I will watch you play
And await you by the door.

29th September, 1994


My mind wanders endlessly
Drifting across different worlds
So rapidly my Lord, you
cannot accompany me.
Can it really be true that
this is what I prefer?
To keep you so effectively
barred from my door?

Oh yes, I would keep you away,
You who would disturb my
peace and change my world.
You cannot enter here
where all is dark and hopeless.
I will not let you
I will not let you.

And yet you tarry there
near the door of my heart
So long has it been closed against you.
Do not enter here Lord,
please do not enter
For I am so afraid.
But you will stay there
will you not and wait for me?

Ah, you are so gentle, so accepting.
I will travel in peace now a little longer
And in a while, just a little while,
I will return.
Surely then, I will be ready
to open my door and let you enter.
Just a little while now, a very little while.

29th September, l994


This world I see so wide and full
Of experiences varied and endless.
Here I can stay and happily search
For treasures, things and possessions.

So much to discover on a thousand shores.
How I love being busy and involved
For it keeps my world
moving and rapidly so
And me out of mischief you see!

No thank you I don't
want a moment's respite,
Unless its a holiday by the sea.
For there I can sunbake, swim and walk
Collect shells and then have tea.

What's this about being quiet and still
And finding another way?
I haven't got any time for that
And its silly anyway.

I must be off, I'm in a rush
A thousand things to do.
Its all good fun to be on the run
With no time for me or you.

2nd October, 1994


The butterfly which crosses my path
In beauty ethereal and fragile.
How gently moves its delicate wings
And sweetly kisses the petals of a flower.

Oh my Lord, this is how you come to me
So softly treading near my trembling heart
Stroking my brow
with your love so tender
Accepting my fear with
your soothing words.

Yes I would gladly follow you.
May I slip my hand in yours?
And together we will gladly return
To our home with God and all mankind.

2nd October, 1994


Between us is a wall of fear
Erected by my choice.
My peace is gone and I despair
Of ever hearing your voice.
What can I do dear Lord of Love
To bring you back again
And feel your joyful presence
Instead of this wretched pain?

"Ah child you need do nothing"
I hear you clearly say.
"To struggle, strive and worry
That is not the way.
Just watch the fear and ask for help
For I am always near
And you will find it disappears
And again my voice you'll hear."

3rd October 1994
(This followed a prayer to Jesus around my fear about going to Tasmania.).


Dear Jesus we would
remember our Home in you
Our hearts yearn to join with your love.
We ask you to guide
us as we stumble along
On our journey home to God.

Please take our vision of inner peace
In all the forms we have planned,
And use it to shepherd us closer to you
For your wisdom is deeper than ours.

It flows directly from oneness with God
And this you finally remembered.
You wait so patiently as we dally around
Without judgement or demand.

We trip ourselves up
and cause long delays
As we spin our endless webs
And hastily strengthen our ego defences
To continue our worldly dance.

But time after time we remember to ask
For your presence and your voice
We let you come in so very carefully
As we make another choice.

One day 'ere long we will
join with each other
So deeply we'll forget separation
And there you will be
standing right beside us
In your glory and perfection.

3rd October 1994
(Whilst on the rocks at Dee Why Beach)


Dear child I came in the instant
You descended to turmoil and fear,
And I remain with you
in all your journeying
Ever watchful over my creation.

For you are so very precious to me
My love for you knows no boundaries.
Your dreams and illusions are nothing
But the briefest diversion in time.

Your world will gently slip away
And time will end for it never began.
My love will be known
as we join once more.
You will rest in eternal peace and joy.


My ego defences are so strong and secure
Effectively barring the way
But no matter what I
do or how long I take,
You are there, waiting.
The smallest crack, the tiniest chink
Or hole in my walls
And your light will flow in.
What comfort that is and yet what terror.
Confusion reigns supreme.
Dear Jesus, look at this with me.
Such a mess and yet just silly you say.
And we smile together in pure delight.
And my desperation has gone,
Dissolved in your love.

4th October, 1994


I wander through this imagined existence
Believing I'm master at the helm.
My efforts to contrive, direct and control
Ensure I'm kept busy and involved.

How easy it is to get lost in these forms
That I am so expert in manifesting
And comforting to know
that despite what I do
Something wiser and higher leads me on.

I will forgive my constant meanderings
Allowing them to flow as they will
And gently watch as they pass
through my mind
Without judgement or worry unkind.

6th October, 1994


Shortly after Salice died I rang a friend in Scotland to tell her the news. The following day I received an email message from her, the first part of which I have reproduced below. The message came as a blessing and helped me to put the last months of Salice's life in context. Since the death of her body she has communicated with many friends and has helped me in many ways.


Dear Michael,

I meditated after our phone call and when I asked to link with Sal, the whole room filled with a burnt incense smell. Very strong! She said:

"Michael is fine. He really is. Just help him get his life started again. Back on track. Travel with him now and then. I am wonderfully free and glad of it. He is right. I'd finished before we left Findhorn. Not really interested deep down in beginning new projects. I just was ready to go home. Community was my last big lesson. Loving Michael was icing on the cake. Cancer was necessary to leave. Very perfect really.Ó D


Short audios - Channelled by Tina Spalding 

For more information about Tina and her work go here

Two Laws of Creation-Ananda - 23s

Accept the world as it is - 3m

Forgiveness is your purpose here - 2.38s

Inviting Jesus - 30s


PLEASE NOTE: The Australian Centre for Inner Peace is not a counselling or psychotherapy centre; 
therefore we do not offer telephone or email service or counselling, therapy, or crisis intervention for personal problems. 
Please see the Contacts section at the end of this newsletter.

Forthcoming Workshops on A Course in Miracles

For up to date information on my workshops go to 

Germany 2020 Dates

Bonn Sat 13 and Sun 14 June - 2020
10am to 6pm

The Power of Forgiveness - 2020

Forgiveness is the key to happiness. 

Here is the answer to your search for peace. Here is the key to meaning in a world that seems to make no sense. Here is the way to safety in apparent dangers that appear to threaten you at every turn, and bring uncertainty to all your hopes of ever finding quietness and peace. Here are all questions answered; here the end of all uncertainty ensured at last. 
A Course in Miracles 
Lesson 121 

Forgiveness is at the heart of the practical teachings of A Course in Miracles. It removes all the obstacles to realising our divine, eternal, formless nature. It reveals the peace, joy and love put there by our Creator. Forgiveness is misunderstood by the world which sees problems outside ourselves instead of in our mind, where forgiveness can heal them. When we attack and judge another we are really attacking our own mind, the source of projections. What we find disturbing in the world are but symbols of what is unhealed in our minds. We live in a reflective universe.

This workshop will explore both the metaphysical and practical teachings of the Course. Exercises will be used to apply forgiveness to the problems in our minds, the only place true healing can occur.

We will explore the following topics from the Course:

Metaphysical teachings:
Metaphysics of forgiveness
Forgiveness saves time - the miracle
Creating a different reality with forgiveness-manifestation

Practical teachings:
The ego's world of guilt, denial and projection
Two faces: victim and victimiser
True and false forgiveness
Resistance to forgiveness
Ladder of forgiveness
Judgement and defenselessness
Healing the body through forgiveness

No knowledge of A Course in Miracles is required.

An Evening Introductory Talk - Fri 12th June 2020
7.30pm to 9.30pm



Beethovenallee 16

Bonn 53173

tel: 0228 - 36 47 37

Freiburg  2020 June 

Fri 19,[6pm tp 9pm] 
Sat 20 [10am to 6pm] and Sun 21 [10am to 5pm]

The Power of Forgiveness - 2020

Forgiveness is the key to happiness. 

Here is the answer to your search for peace. Here is the key to meaning in a world that seems to make no sense. Here is the way to safety in apparent dangers that appear to threaten you at every turn, and bring uncertainty to all your hopes of ever finding quietness and peace. Here are all questions answered; here the end of all uncertainty ensured at last. 
A Course in Miracles 
Lesson 121 

Forgiveness is at the heart of the practical teachings of A Course in Miracles. It removes all the obstacles to realising our divine, eternal, formless nature. It reveals the peace, joy and love put there by our Creator. Forgiveness is misunderstood by the world which sees problems outside ourselves instead of in our mind, where forgiveness can heal them. When we attack and judge another we are really attacking our own mind, the source of projections. What we find disturbing in the world are but symbols of what is unhealed in our minds. We live in a reflective universe.

This workshop will explore both the metaphysical and practical teachings of the Course. Exercises will be used to apply forgiveness to the problems in our minds, the only place true healing can occur.

We will explore the following topics from the Course:

Metaphysical teachings:
Metaphysics of forgiveness
Forgiveness saves time - the miracle
Creating a different reality with forgiveness-manifestation

Practical teachings:
The ego's world of guilt, denial and projection
Two faces: victim and victimiser
True and false forgiveness
Resistance to forgiveness
Ladder of forgiveness
Judgement and defenselessness
Healing the body through forgiveness

No knowledge of A Course in Miracles is required.

Margarete Sennekamp
Winterhaldenweg 4,
79856 Hinterzarten,
Tel./Fax: 07652-917530



New teaching and healing materials - eBooks and downloadable MP3s:

Price of all three eBooks has been reduced by half to AU$4.99

Inspired by A Course in Miracles.
This is the eBook version of the paper back.

New book in eBook format

Inspired by A Course in Miracles
This is the eBook version of the paper back.

The eBook versions can be read on Kindle, iPad, Microsoft eReader, Nook, PDF readers (Mac and PC) and most eBook readers.
For more details and how to purchase please visit:

Downloadable Mp3s:

This MP3 contains the identical four exercises as the CD

This MP3 contains the identical four exercises as the CD

This MP3 contains the identical three exercises as the CD

For more details and how to purchase please visit:

For free copies of two of my 8 healing exercises please click:
Reducing Physical Pain This audio helps to reduce or eliminate pain and find the cause in the mind so it can be released through forgiveness.
Self Forgiveness. This audio aids us in accepting and forgiving the parts of ourselves we dislike.

Paperback Books:

Healing the Cause - A Path of Forgiveness.  Findhorn Press 1994
Also available in German, Romanian, French, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese.

The Findhorn Book of Forgiveness.  Findhorn Press. 2003
Also available in German, French, Polish and Romanian.

For more details and how to purchase please visit:

MP3s (see above) and CDs:

Healing the Cause:
Since 1986 I have been conducting healing workshops in the UK and abroad, and have continually experimented to find healing and forgiveness exercises that are effective.  I have found that a particular exercise can be effective for one person but not another. Accordingly, I was led to develop a series of exercises. Over the years workshop participants asked if these exercises could be put onto audio cassettes and CDs so they could repeat them. This has resulted in the Healing the Cause - Exercise series - Tapes 1 to 4 (2 exercises on each tape) and CD1 and 2 (4 exercises on each CD)

CD - 3 Healing Exercises in English with German translation. 10 Euro
Ex1. Forgiving Ourselves. 
Ex2. Changing Perception and Finding peace. 
Ex3. Changing Perception of another - exercise for two people.

These exercises are similar to existing exercises already available on CDs but are translated into German.

1. Three Steps of Forgiveness. 
This workshop concentrates on the process of forgiveness from the perspective of A Course in Miracles. Includes 3 healing exercises.
 Recorded at the Annual Miracle Network Conference in London, November 2001. 1 hour 12 mins. One CD

2. Finding and Eliminating the Blocks to Receiving Guidance. 
This talk investigates what stops us hearing the guidance that is ever present in our lives. Recorded at the Annual Miracle Network Conference in London, October 20001 hour. One CD

For more details and how to purchase please visit:



Complete audio version of A Course in Miracles and Supplements available free of charge on YouTube.
These audios are suppled by the publisher of A Course in Miracles, the Foundation for Inner Peace.

A Web search engine dedicated to finding discussion and definitions of terms and concepts found in 
A Course in Miracles as well as Web sites, articles and other writings related to the Course.

Question and Answer Service from the Foundation for A Course in Miracles. 
Their electronic outreach section has a question and answer service on the theory and practice of the Course. Their database of 1,400 questions and answers is searchable. They no longer take new questions as they feel all possible questions have now been put.

Foundation for Inner Peace..........................Publishers of A Course in Miracles and responsible for the translation programme. On-line mail order.

Foundation For A Course In Miracles................FACIM is the official teaching organisation of the Foundation for Inner Peace and the copyright-holder of_A Course in Miracles and all related materials. Publishes the quarterly Lighthouse newsletter. They have extensive on-line mail order for their books, CDs and DVDs.
The Foundation was started by Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick and has moved to Temecula in California. Kenneth is my teacher of A Course in Miracles. His body died in December 2013.
Their publications can also be ordered in Australia at:
Adyar Bookshop
230 Clarence Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
Kenneth Wapnick ......ÉÉÉ Biographical information and excerpts from his writings
by Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick
Index of Links to Miracle Studies Resources ...ÉÉ....... A rich resource of materials on A Course in Miracles by an ex-staff member of the Foundation For A Course In Miracle. Joe also has a blog and has recently published  A Primer of Psychology According to A Course in Miracles.  ÉÉÉÉ A Course in Miracles Resource Web Site for ACIM Students
A Course in Miracles Study groups
Search for A Course in Miracles Study Groups Around the World. 
The Foundation for Inner peace also has a study group search engine.
Miracles Studies Australia  lists study groups for Australia and new Zealand

A Course In Miracles Pen Pals:
The Miracle Network hosts a A Course in Miracles pen pals group:
To  join this e-mail discussion group,  send your e-mail address to  
They will send you  updated lists of other e.pals and  inform them of your e-mail address. ACIM discussion:
This web-based discussion is hosted by Joe Jesseph.



About three times a week I send a short quotation from some spiritual teacher or poet to people who have requested some uplifting thoughts. I have included some below. If you wish I can add your name to the email list.

How long, O Son of God, will you maintain the game of sin? Shall we not put away these sharp-edged children's toys? How soon will you be ready to come home? Perhaps today? There is no sin. Creation is unchanged. Would you still hold return to Heaven back? How long, O holy Son of God, how long?

A Course in Miracles  Lesson 250

The true act of forgiveness requires you to see your own judgments as the crime, the one thing that keeps you from connecting with Source.

Making Love to God: The Path to Divine Sex
Tina Louise Spalding

Do understand that you are destined for enlightenment.
Co-operate with your destiny, don't go against it, don't thwart it.
Allow it to fulfil itself.
All you have to do is to give attention to the obstacles created by the foolish mind.

Nisargadatta Maharaj
I Am That

If you hate something and you focus all your energy on it, you will get more of it! 
So watch who you hate, how you hate, and when you hate, and make a different choice.
If you invest energetically in something, then you will get more of it. Have no doubt about it.
So know that the ripples of hatred and judgment that you send out will come back to you in the form of a magnified energy of that very same frequency, and that is something to contemplate, is it not?

You Can Free Yourself from the Karma of Chaos 
Channelled bTina Spalding

One is more likely to awaken through surrender than through seeking to waken. The effort to awaken is the effort of ego, whereas to surrender is to give up all efforts and to place oneself in the hands of a vast force that is more powerful than any realization of non duality.
When one finally gives up one's futile attempts to make reality conform to one's own wishes, and allows it to unfold on its own terms, all the energy that was tied up in foolish attempts to manipulate the universe is freed up.

Mariana Caplan
Halfway Up the Mountain - The Error of Premature Claims to Enlightenment


Michael Dawson
PO Box 125
Point Lookout
North Stradbroke Island
Queensland 4183