ACFIP Newsletter 
June 2020
Issue 65
Quarterly Newsletter of the Australian Centre for Inner Peace


Online Zoom workshops:
1 - Half day ÒThe Power of Forgiveness" workshop on Sat June 13, 2020
English with German translation (nearly full)
2 - Healing Ourselves and Others - a 3-part workshop in English - June and July
3 - Awakening to Our Spiritual Reality - a 3-part workshop in English - Starts August 
See below for full details

¥My new website on the dangers of 5G and radio frequency radiation

¥Dražen who is currently translating ÒJesus: My AutobiographyÓ channelled by Tina Spalding
has discovered an excellent translation website. You may want to copy and paste this newsletter into it.


1. Individual healing sessions via Skype

I have been giving healing sessions for over 30 years, and have now decided to offer healing sessions via Skype. When I travel and give workshops I am often asked for a session but have virtually no time available. Recently I gave a healing session via Skype and I noticed it was effective. The client and I both felt we were in the same room together. As A Course in Miracles states, Òall minds are joinedÓ, so perhaps I should not be surprised. Time and space are ego illusions, not SpiritÕs.

For more information and fees please go here.

Videos on my A Course in Miracles  
YouTube channel

I will be adding more videos on Course themes. If you want to be automatically informed of new additions please press Subscribe on the YouTube page where my video is showing and click on the bell so it appears as if it is ringing. This ensures you will get an email update when new videos are added.
An updated list of videos will be found on my website at: My Video Channel

3. ACIM Workbook lessons and commentaries.

Tina Spalding, a trance channel, is reading all the 365 Workbook lessons and then channels a commentary from Jesus.They are published daily and can be seen on her YouTube channel "Channeling Jesus & Ananda"

I am also collecting the audio only versions which are available in my DropBox and will be updated as new lessons are produced by Tina:

4. Complete audio version of A Course in Miracles and Supplements available free of charge on YouTube.
These audios are suppled by the publisher of A Course in Miracles, the Foundation for Inner Peace.


If you wish to read previous issues please go to

If your email address ends with .au I put your address on my Australian list for advance notice of workshops I am giving in Australia. If you do not want to be on this list please let me know. If you reside in Australia and want to be on this list, but your address does not end in .au, please email me and I will include it.

If you are new to the Course you might find my summaries of help.


A Course in Miracles Material

 The Way Of A Course In Miracles - Michael Dawson 
*  Miracle or Magic  - Michael Dawson 
*  Letter to my Father - Bill McDonald

Non Dual and Other Teachings

 Message from the Arcturians - May 17, 2020
 Manifestation Commentaries on A Course in Miracles - Channelled by Tina Spalding 

* Half day The Power of Forgiveness online Zoom workshop - June 13, 2020
* Three part Healing Ourselves and Others online Zoom workshop - June and July, 2020
* Books and Audio Materials for Sale
* Links
* Inspirational Quotations

A Course in Miracles Material

The Way Of A Course In Miracles - Michael Dawson 

The way of the Course is to progressively deliver us into the hands of the Holy Spirit. His guiding Voice will become the only Voice we listen to. At the journeys end all decision will cease and we will know peace at last. His Voice is always with us but through fear we blot it out. With His help we will remove those barriers to His presence. This is the way of forgiveness. As we hold His hand we look together, without judgement, at the contents of our mind. As suffering arises in our mind through contact with the world he gently asks us to look within instead. Here is the only cause of suffering that can ever be found. He reminds us that the world is only a mirror to what is in our mind. What is unforgiven in our mind is seen as something fearful in the world - something to be attacked and destroyed. Come back to the source of pain He calls for only here can it be undone. Release your blame of others, release your blame of yourselves and surrender your pain to me He gently reminds us.

And slowly we come to learn that there is no better way than His. So little He asks of us, so much He has to give. His light slowly dawns upon our minds, our faith begins to deepen, and we grasp His hand more tightly. His way works, ours does not. Forgetting the past and letting go the future we begin to become content with the moment. We understand that He can safely lead us home and we no longer desire any other journey.

The dream of separation starts to fade until at last God lifts us back to the awareness of our perfect oneness with Him and we are home at last.


MIRACLE OR MAGIC? - Michael Dawson 

When the ego tempts you to sickness do not ask the Holy Spirit to heal the body for this would merely be to accept the ego's belief that the body is the proper aim of healing. Ask rather that the Holy Spirit teach you the right perception of the body, for perception alone can be distorted. Only perception can be sick because only perception can be wrong. T-8.IX.1:5-7

When our body is in pain or is not functioning properly, it is very tempting to focus our attention on the symptoms and seek a change at that level. This is an example of what the Course calls magic. Magic is an attempt to heal something at the wrong level. We might try pills, rituals, charms, crystals, Bach flowers, visualisation, surgery etc. The Course is not against us using magic to relieve our pain but tells us this is not healing. We seek to fix up something "out there" which appears to be the cause of the distress. "Out there" includes our body, other bodies (relationships) and situations in the world. Our magical belief is that something other than our thoughts is the cause of our pain and if we can change that sufficiently, we will be at peace. This is at the root of all our anger. We believe that attack will get us what we want. For example, you might have a difficult relationship with someone and find that you often develop a headache when you are with them. You might even get into the habit of carrying a pill with you to relieve your headache. Both the anger you use to try and change the person's behaviour, by attempting to make them guilty, and the pill you swallow are magical attempts by your ego to change something outside of your mind. Thus magic is an attempt to change on the level of effect as opposed to cause.

Cure is a word that cannot be applied to any remedy the world accepts as beneficial. What the world perceives as therapeutic is but what will make the body 'better.' ... He is not healed. He merely had a dream that he was sick, and in the dream he found a magic formula to make him well. Yet he has not awakened from the dream, and so his mind remains exactly as it was before. Lesson 140

The quotation at the beginning of this article stresses that the cause of all our pain - physical or psychological - is due to the way we perceive the world. What we see in the world is what we see in our mind - "projection makes perception" as the Course states it. We first look within before we look without. If we only perceive our fearful and attacking ego in our mind, this is all we can see in the world.

Trapped within our ego thoughts, we can only come up with ego solutions which will treat the symptoms but not the cause. Perhaps we will succeed for a while in changing our bodily condition or the way another relates to us. However, our success in tinkering with effects will be short lived and our problems will return in a similar or related form. Our ego will then suggest another solution and we are forced to start all over again.

To see the world differently and be at peace we must heal our perception. To do this, we need help from outside the ego system. It is a mistake to think we can heal ourselves without the help of Jesus or the Holy Spirit.

So do we lay aside our amulets, our charms and medicines, our chants and bits of magic in whatever form they take. We will be still and listen for the Voice of healing, Which will cure all ills as one, restoring saneness to the Son of God. No voice but This can cure. Lesson 140

As we begin to realise that our own magical efforts cannot bring us lasting peace, our prayers turn away from effects ("Please heal my body Jesus") to the cause ("Teach me how to forgive"). Realising that the cause of all our pain is in our mind and not the world, we start the process of taking our projections back off the world and begin to look with the help of the Holy Spirit at all that we have denied in our mind. We do not simply "give everything to the Holy Spirit" for first we must recognise and acknowledge the ego's thought system of attack hidden in our mind. The Course is not about affirming truth and love but discovering and ...."removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence. (intro, text)

As we begin to discover the extent of the anger and hate in our mind, the ego will counsel us to feel guilty for in this way, we will continue our allegiance to it. We can only feel guilty if we still believe that what we discover in the darkness is really us. At these times, Jesus asks us to turn to him for help. Only his light can dissolve our darkness. He is ever waiting to stretch out his hand to us if we but call to him for help. As we start to allow his light to fill our mind, we too can help him heal others through us. The presence of the Holy Spirit in our mind reminds us that we are still children of God. In the same way, our example of peace will remind others who we meet that they can choose to see differently.

The only meaningful contribution the healer can make is to present an example of one whose direction has been changed for him, and who no longer believes in nightmares of any kind. The light in his mind will therefore answer the questioner, who must decide with God that there is light because he sees it. L97

This is not to say we do not continue to use magic for ourselves and others, for few have reached the stage where they can immediately change from wrong perception to right perception on every occasion. It is not a sin to have a toothache and a visit to the dentist would be a wise decision. However, our goal needs to be the healing of our mind and to do this, we must acknowledge the darkness - albeit illusory - of our ego mind and sincerely ask for the light of the Holy Spirit to shine it away. As we learn to hold the hand of Jesus more and the hand of the ego less we will be encouraged by the joyful results to trust him more and more.


Letter to my Father - Bill McDonald

Dear Dad,
I've been away so long, I thought I should write to fill you in what I've been up to. You didn't try to stop me when I first became bored and thought I wanted to leave our perfect home. In Your wisdom, You knew that couldn't really happen and you let me fall asleep and dream that it was so. 
Such adventures I have had, You wouldn't believe. I have to say that maybe I didn't use the unlimited creative powers you gave me wisely and ran a little wild. I was in a rebellious state and to be honest, I didn't want my world to be the least like Yours, so I made everything exactly the opposite, just for the hell of it. First I decided Oneness would have to go. That didn't serve my needs at all so I dreamed up duality as the basis of a thought system that would ensure the continuance of my kingdom.
In place of your ever-expanding universe of love, I made up 'life' like a carousel, seeming to advance but never really getting anywhere and always reinforcing duality. Now, away from Our Home, I had unlimited scope for my inventive mind and each new idea built on the one before ending up with such a complicated thought system, no one could ever fathom out what was going on.
I wanted my world to be different, so I dreamed up form with a multitude of individual bodies with different sexes, colours and shapes and provided built in obsolescence to everything here. It was one of my best ideas, as nothing here lasts forever; I could deny your existence as a loving God. 
Constant change was the order of the day: I set it up so that the only way anyone could exist was to kill in some form or other living off someone else or being killed themselves. As a result it meant everyone has to live here in a state of fear knowing that something or someone will get you eventually. No matter how hard you try to avoid it ageing and death is inevitable. It doesn't make as much sense now as it used to, as I'm not quite as insane any more, but it sure seemed like a good idea at the time. 
I know You wouldn't have any idea what I mean, but I thought up my own 'trinity' of sin guilt and fear giving me the opportunity of categorising people to suit my needs. The end result was always pain. 'Pain'. Did I tell you about that one? I found when I experienced pain I could not experience You, which suited my delinquent mind perfectly. Sex was another 'good' idea, because with it I could seem to join and yet remain separate. I could even imitate your creative power by creating other separate bodies. It kept my mind occupied for quite a while let me tell you. I thought pleasure and pain were different never realising they were opposite sides of the same coin. 
'Sickness' was also a 'brilliant' idea as it gave me a feeling of isolation and separation from my brothers and of course, You. The powerful mind you gave me enabled me to deny it was all my own idea and in this amnesic state I could blame someone else for my lack of peace and condemn You for setting up this horrible world in the first place.
Throughout the dream I've been searching for some new experience never realising all I ever wanted was to return Home again. I've done everything and been everywhere, many times over. 
In my mind I've experienced every possible alternative. I've been a murderer and a saint, a king and a pauper. I've been male and female I've lived in every kind of body all over the world and in every universe. I played the role of victimiser and victim and switched from one to the other frequently. I've been beautiful and healthy, crippled and diseased: I have died as an infant and lived to be very, very old. I have been generous and kind. I've been hungry and I've been greedy and uncaring. Not that I didn't have fun playing all these dramatic roles, rebelling against you in every possible way. If they ever hand out academy awards for our performances here, I will at least will be nominated in all the categories.
I managed to forget most of the time Your Love for me was changeless but there were periods when my guilt of leaving you made me feel very unworthy and I had this crazy fear, it would only be a matter of time before you would catch up with me. I tried to totally fill my mind up with unlimited distractions to avoid thinking about You and Your Love. 
You remember how I wanted to be special. Well let me tell you in my dream, I achieved just that. I knew somehow that you would never treat me as special as you can only love every one of your Sons equally, so an idea came to me I could find someone else who would. I thought this would solve all my problems and I would never need to think about my guilt again. How wrong I was. I soon found out special love is constantly changing and isn't love at all. After a while the shine goes off everything. I realise now my attachment to those special people and things represented my guilt, as the purpose of the relationship was to cover it up. By listening to your voice in my mind, I am slowly learning how to change my special relationships to holy ones. I know that I must love my brothers as you love me or I have no chance of ever knowing you. 
I thought I made a real mess of things and You would never forgive me, but deep down I think I always knew that regardless of what state my mind is in, or whatever I think I have ever done, and no matter how wretched I thought I was or am now, You remain oblivious to all these experiences I am talking about. You know nothing at all of this nonsense and have never changed your mind about me, nor would you ever do so.
All through my insanity I have had Your gift of the Holy Spirit in my mind, constantly and gently leading me back to my real Home with You. I'm beginning to tire of the dream in which all the myriad of alternatives always end up looking the same. I am waking up gradually and looking forward to coming home to You, this time for good.
Thank you Dad for your patience. 
Your prodigal Son


Non Dual Teachings

This part of the newsletter offers input from non-dual teachers. What is non-duality? The word Ônon-dualÕ means not two. On the first page of the ACIM text there is two line summary of a Course in Miracles. It begins with the line ÒNothing real can be threatened
This refers to what God created Ð eternal, formless, spirit. Eternal means never born and therefore cannot change or die. The Course uses the expression Ôthe ChristÕ to denote this. Behind all the seeming multiplicity of the universe there is actually only one essential reality. Just as all the images on the cinema screen seem different, the light that creates them is one.

There is nothing outside you. That is what you must ultimately learn, for it is the realization that the Kingdom of Heaven is restored to you. For God created only this, and He did not depart from it nor leave it separate from Himself. The Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God, who left not his Father and dwells not apart from Him. Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.
A Course in Miracles T-18.VI.1.

The second line of the summary states ÓNothing unreal exists.Ó This refers to everything that is born and therefore dies - the egoÕs world. Thus everything in the universe including ourselves is not real according to the Course. It is like a great dream. Only perfect oneness is real. 

There are two forms of non-duality Ð pure and impure. In the impure form God is aware that the universe is a dream and experiences itself through it - God's Leela or play as they say in the East. In the pure form of non-duality God is unaware of the universe. The Course is an example of pure non-dual teachings. A metaphor for this is a cinema projector where the lamp in the projector represents God. When the ego's film of separation is run past the light it is projected onto the screen of time and space. The light of God makes this possible, but the lamp is unaware of what is on the screen and would continue to shine when the film is taken away. To continue with this metaphor the light extending from the lamp is who we are, the Christ. ( See chart

You dwell not here, but in eternity.
You travel but in dreams, while safe at home. 

You are at home in God, dreaming of exile but perfectly capable of awaking to reality. 


Material from ETs

I introduce ET material from loving, wise and non-judgemental sources in most newsletters. I realise this is a controversial subject so I want to introduce below the science behind the possibility of other life forms in this universe, some of which are far in advance of us.

I recently learned that the US space agency NASA has been pointing an orbital telescope at one small part of our Milky Way galaxy and found about 3000 planets to date. This led to one of their department heads saying there must be more planets in the universe than stars. 
There are trillions of stars in the universe. A trillion is a thousand billion. A billion is a thousand million. A million days have not gone by since Jesus died. This is a very big number. 
There are also trillions of moons. Are they all empty of life and the only life is all crowded onto this one planet? A few hundred years ago we thought the Earth was at the centre of the universe and everything else revolved around us. If some of this ET life is just a few thousands years ahead of us technically, they would have learned how to travel beyond Einstein's light speed barrier and easily and quickly visit us here. 
I believe many of them have much to teach us especially as some have been through our current challenges a very long time ago.
Michael Dawson


Message from the Arcturians - May 17, 2020

Welcome dear readers to the Arcturian Group message.
You are entering a new phase of the evolutionary process. Present "down times" are allowing a quietness during which many for the first time are pondering, questioning, evaluating their lives, and the right way of doing things. Every day more are allowing themselves to honestly examine aspects of their personal life as well as the world in general such as business, farming, religion, health, education, environment, and politics etc.
Much that has always been considered correct and appropriate is being recognized as inefficient, obsolete, and unfair to many and based in convenience and a resistance to change by those who benefit from the status quo. This period of quiet is also allowing nature a respite from the ongoing barrage of pollution and degradation she suffers.
All is proceeding according to plan. You have been hoping, praying, and waiting for a world that more closely resonated with truth and it is coming but will be an unfolding process over the next few years because the third dimension functions in time and space.
Know that things will never go back to exactly as they were because consciousness is changing, and as we have said many times, the substance of the outer is the inner (consciousness). Do not put effort and energy toward attempting to return everything to exactly as it was but rather be open to new and higher expressions of these same things.
Be prepared for change but also be prepared to hear things that will upset you. Much is going to surface regarding the long standing negative activities of some individuals. The denser energies must be exposed for what they are in order to be recognized and acknowledged. There is an element that feeds from energies of fear, pain, suffering, and discord and in order to keep feeding, they promote words, activities, and false information that will serve to keep fear and discord alive.
When you become aware of these types of issues, send these individuals Light while recognizing that they too are Divine Beings who have lost their way. They have chosen to close their hearts to Love energy and have no interest in or awareness of the fact that everything they sought is already fully present within them.
It is easy to get caught up in this type of information and spend a great deal of time and energy studying and researching negative activities. You have all experienced the heaviness of dense energy that comes from getting too involved in these types of issues. As awakened individuals you are ready to move beyond duality and separation and live from the higher levels of consciousness you have attained. Be aware of and informed about negative beliefs and actions, but then release them and align with Reality.
Activities of love are beginning to take place in the outer scene. Although these activities flow from spiritual oneness they are generally understood as activities of kindness, a looking out for neighbors, and the lending of a helping hand where needed. These seemingly ordinary activities are three dimensional interpretations of spiritual Oneness, evolutionary steps that eventually lead to a state of consciousness that understand service to be service to SELF--Universal Oneness.
A sense of camaraderie not possible in the old energy is developing among people simply because all are experiencing the same issues (oneness). Even the small sense of camaraderie you may feel towards a stranger as you walk by is in reality Oneness expressing through you. However, not all are ready or willing to understand this and the loss of what is familiar is causing them to act out with fear and violence as they seek to protect and perpetuate everything that has supported their false sense of empowerment.
Selflessness is beginning to penetrate collective consciousness on a deeper level but selflessness has been misunderstood and falsely taught to mean that the sacrificing of ones's self for some "grander" purpose is spiritual . Sublimating and denying one's self/SELF by believing it to be of less value than another's self represents separation at its finest.
What can one possibly have to give another if they eliminate themselves from the equation? It is only an empowered person, one who knows and accepts themselves to be a spiritual being, that is able to truly serve. Sacrificing one's identity, needs, and dreams in the belief that it is spiritual is a denial of God for is not God every person's true identity?
Never allow yourselves to be guilted, threatened, pushed, taught, or used by others into doing something. When you do this you are automatically surrendering your power. Service must be a free will choice that flows from a place of love rather than an unwanted activity forced onto a someone for the benefit of another or others who appear more powerful and demanding, or are needy, disabled, and dependant.
We recognize that many are presently locked into some service that they did not consciously choose or want. As a result they may feel angry, depleted, unhappy, and trapped seeing no way out. To these dear ones we say; there are no accidents. Every life is planned before incarnation with the help of Guides, to include those experiences deemed necessary for spiritual evolution.
These types of situations are usually karmic in nature and represent a person's spiritual readiness to address some old energy imbalance that may go back lifetimes but which can be balanced and completed through service in this lifetime. The one needing service may have chosen to learn about patience, humility, and helplessness in this life having never expressed it to others in previously. Frequently the server is a dear friend who volunteered to assist with this lesson.
Sometimes it is because the one needing service did the same for the server in a previous life allowing them both the experiences of giving and allowing. Service can be the push a spiritually prepared person needs in order to move more deeply into the empowerment, love, patience, and awareness that they are ready for.
Do not let obsolete concepts of spiritual duty, and self- sacrifice to enter into your activities of love and service. As universal consciousness shifts to new levels of awareness, service to others on all levels of need will become common, ordinary, backed by law, and simply the way life is lived because there will be a sense of oneness that was not present in third dimensional energy.
Realize that in and of yourself you have nothing to give another. God alone is love, energy, appreciation, gratitude, service, cooperation etc. and God alone has these things to give. To believe that self or some other person has spiritual qualities in and of themselves is the belief in a self separate and apart from God. Only God is good, patient, loving, friendly, honest, cooperative, etc. etc.
Both human good and human bad are impersonal, never becoming or belonging to the person. All there is, is God, Source, -- perfect, whole, complete, harmonious, abundance, intelligent, Self sustained and Self maintained Consciousness.
This is why looking or expecting acceptance, companionship, friendship, forgiveness, cooperation etc. from a person is to look where these things do not exist unless they flow through the person. Always seek these things from God, from within, allowing them to manifest as they will which can and often is where least expected.
True selflessness intuitively guides a person to acknowledge and honor their own needs. It will also guide them as to whether their service is actually needed or simply wanted. It is understanding that what one does for another never comes from a personal supply of love, energy, abundance, and ideas, but rather flows through them from an Infinite Source within--from a well that never runs dry.
Present times are calling for more awareness, deeper understanding, and a serious contemplation of how one will continue living their life. "Will I grudgingly go back to the same old, same old that I have outgrown or will I have the courage to pursue something that makes my heart sing?"
This is where fear will jump in and say that you must go back to what you know or you will suffer lack and limitation, your family with starve, and you will be homeless. It is fine to return to what you are used to, but never forget that you are creators. Regardless of what others may tell you, do not allow your dreams to pass into oblivion in the belief that they are hopeless and could never happen.
Allow your dreams to grow and mature silently and secretly within your heart until they ready to be birthed as your new world and identity.
You are creators, creating your world from the contents of your consciousness.
What do I hold as truth in my consciousness???

We are the Arcturian Group 5/17/20

You can sign up for the free fortnightly channellings from the Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele here:


Manifestation - Channelled by Tina Spalding
Commentaries on A Course in Miracles 

The end result of a miracle is the shift in perception that changes the outcome of that creative thought.
That means instead of creating fear, you are now creating love, intentionally,  with all of your wonderful creative strength. You are made in the image of God. That means you are innate creators, you are powerful creators. And when you focus that mind through training and through practice, you begin to become an intentional creator. That means that you know what you're doing, you know where you're going, and you know what the results will be. The results will be a seeming transformation in the world, which is the physical result of the miracle that you have been taught about. 
When you change your mind and, therefore, the image that you are projecting, that is that being that is manifested in your life, you will see a change in them. You will see them become less angry, you will see them become less abrasive. You will see them become less aggressive. This is impossible you say. Well, given the rules that you believe play out on this earth, yes, these things are impossible. But the truth of the matter is, is that you are creating this world, all of you together.Each one of you is having your own experience of separation and fear. 
As you choose the miracle minded behavior, you will feel more and more connected to your seemingly separated brothers and sisters. And this is the beginning phase of the reunification of the Sonship. You will begin to feel love for people that you used to feel hate for. You will begin to see transformations around you, and your co workers, and your family members, and even in your own body that you cannot explain. And this is what's happening. 
You are changing the dream that you're having, you are deciding that it is going to become a happy dream rather than a nightmare that you have been living. Most of you come to A Course In Miracles because you have been living a nightmare. Whether it's sickness manifesting in the body, dysfunctional relationships, loneliness or just a feeling of anxiety and fear pervading you, you come to A Course In Miracles because you want to change, and that is where it begins. It begins in your decision to choose love instead of fear.

The ego tells you to be careful, to watch for danger, not to trust anybody, to be very careful, to save for a rainy day... Its prescriptions are always about bad things coming in the future. 

Commentary on A Course in Miracles 

We want you to understand that you are a powerful creator, and if you continue to think along those lines, you will manufacture the disasters you are focused on. If you think always about avoiding sickness, you will get sick; you will feel the power of your own miscreations manifesting in your body. If, however, you are living a passionate life and focus on your health, then you will see health manifested in your body. It is just that simple! And we challenge all of you that have sicknesses to observe how often you either talk about them, or project into the future how terrible they might become, or even how you ruminate on them internally, rather than envisioning a healthy body, a strong body, a happy body.
Your body is not everything. But we understand that when you have fallen into lower frequencies, the miscreations in the physical can become quite painful. And what you will find as you go through these lessons and continue on your practicing after these lessons are done (Remember, this is a training period. This is a clarification period. It is not the be all and end all of it - you must continue your work every day!) you will begin to see and feel the strength, joy, and happiness that these lessons speak about. 

Commentary on Lesson 292 - A Course in Miracles 

We are asking you to mature out of the ego's demented, inconsistent, and violent ways into a more loving being.
Now many of you will say, "I am not inconsistent! I go to work every day. I'm not violent. I don't shoot anybody!" But we want you to go into your inner world and ask yourself, "How consistent is your inner world? How calm and loving is your inner world?" Not the behaviors that have been trained into you by conditioning programs, but by the truth of what you are inside. Remember, your manifesting is going to be a reflection of the truth of what you are inside, not your social face, not the face of innocence that the ego paints on you, but the truth of your internal frequency, all of the ups and downs, the hatreds, the fears, the self-loathing that is contained within there. And that is why you have the saying "bad things happen to good people", because the behavior of people seems to be good. They seem to be nice, kind, and polite, but inside they may be seething with frustration, anger, and shame, and THAT is what will generate what you consider the "bad" thing. So remember: there are no secrets being kept on this plane! Even if the words aren't spoken, your frequency is emitting what you believe and feel and think all of the time. ALL of the time! And the universe is listening and bringing you a reflection of that frequency back to you.
So please stop playing the victim. Step up into your Christhood, and train your minds into love. And when you find an unloving part of your mind, do not condemn yourself, but say, "You are no longer allowed to reside within my sacred space. You must leave! And to enforce that leaving, I am no longer going to believe the thoughts you generate, and I am not going to act as if what you are saying is true, because I can feel the frequency is unloving!" This is the responsibility that you all bear because you have been given free will. The responsibility that you bear is to stop believing every thought that these unloving beliefs generate, stop acting as if every idea you have in your mind is true, whether it's hateful or not, and to begin to use your free will to choose Christ-like behavior for yourself and others. We always remind you: include YOURSELF in that loving principle. 

Commentary on Lesson 306 - A Course in Miracles 


PLEASE NOTE: The Australian Centre for Inner Peace is not a counselling or psychotherapy centre; 
therefore we do not offer telephone or email service or counselling, therapy, or crisis intervention for personal problems. 
Please see the Contacts section at the end of this newsletter.

Three Forthcoming Online Zoom Workshops on A Course in Miracles

For up to date information on my workshops go to 

1. The Power of Forgiveness 
an online morning workshop - Saturday 13 June, 2020 (nearly full)

If you pay to join the ws and it's full, and I have enough applicants, I will repeat the workshop next day (14) at the same times. Please let me know if that is acceptable to you otherwise I will refund your payment.

By Michael Dawson 

A Course in Miracles based workshop
in English with German translation

Forgiveness is the key to happiness. 

Here is the answer to your search for peace. Here is the key to meaning in a world that seems to make no sense. Here is the way to safety in apparent dangers that appear to threaten you at every turn, and bring uncertainty to all your hopes of ever finding quietness and peace. Here are all questions answered; 
here the end of all uncertainty ensured at last. 
A Course in Miracles Lesson 121 

Forgiveness brings about the healing of mind and body, an awareness of our spiritual reality and inner peace. The workshop will include time for questions, sharings and exercises. We will use Zoom software which allows people to meet in small groups for sharing and discussion.

To enable all of us to see each other on a computer screen the workshop will be limited to 23 people.
The use of a tablet like the iPad restricts viewing to 9 people on a screen although you can swipe the screen to see a further 9.
This workshop is close to full. 
How to join my meeting.
The simplest way is to click on my meeting web link I send you after you register and pay. ThatÕs all. If you do not have the free Zoom app you will be prompted to download it. Do this any time before the meeting. You will be greeted with a page that says the host has not started the meeting yet. When I start the meeting you will be let in automatically.

If you encounter a problem with this method a second option is to join a meeting by entering the ÒMeeting IDÓ which I will also send to you at registration. Follow the instructions in this video which also introduces you to the Zoom controls. ( I recommend viewing it if you havenÕt used Zoom before.

(Note: If you later want to host meetings yourself you will need to have a a Zoom account, ( ) but you do not need an account to join this workshop.)

Details of the workshop (German translation underneath):

Times: 9am to Noon. (Germany time zone) 
15min break in the middle.

Dates:  Saturday 13 June, 2020

Zoom basics: 
¥ join with your audio off (muted)
¥your video on, and 
¥ select Gallery view.

For those new to Zoom you can join early at 8.40am for instructions and demonstration.

Payment: 50Euros.  Please use my PayPal ÒDonateÓ button on my home page on 
In the PayPal message section please enter your name. 
Note: My PayPal only accepts Australian dollars so you will need to find the conversion rate at the time. Go here. Its around AU$80 to 85

For cancellations more than 7 days before the workshop commences there will be a cancellation charge of 15E.Your PayPal refund will therefore be 35E
If you cancel 7 days or less before the workshop starts there will be no refund.

If you pay to join the ws and it's full, and if I have enough applicants, I will repeat the workshop next day (14) at the same times. Please let me know if that is acceptable to you otherwise I will refund your payment.

(Some partial bursaries are available. Please write and let me know what you can afford.)


2. Healing Ourselves and Others (Online)
from the perspective of A Course in Miracles
- Michael Dawson -

Zoom allows for questions, sharings, meeting in virtual rooms for pair exercises and sharings. The workshop will be limited to 24 participants so we can all see each other on a computer screen. For those new to Zoom I will start the workshop 20 mins earlier when I will demonstrate how to use different views, mute, chat, raise hand, pinning etc.

Health Is Inner Peace....Health is the result of relinquishing all attempts to use the body lovelessly. 

The Holy Spirit is the only Therapist. He makes healing clear in any situation in which He is the Guide. You can only let Him fulfil His function. He needs no help for this. He will tell you exactly what to do to help anyone He sends to you for help, and will speak to him through you if you do not interfere. A Course in Miracles T-9.V.8:1-8

Workshop description:

Using the spiritual path of A Course in Miracles and its supplement - Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice - we will explore what true healing is: the return to our awareness of our spiritual identity. 

The cause of illness lies in the mind and not the body. By returning our awareness to the mind and forgiving the thought forms of judgement, attack and condemnation of ourselves and others we can return to a state of inner peace. The body will then return to a state of health.

To heal others, whether as a friend or as a psychotherapist, we need to learn to step aside and be guided in what to say and do. We need to remember ÒThe Holy Spirit is the only Therapist.Ó

Practical exercises will be used to help understand the ego and its mechanisms of denial and projection. We will practise forgiveness and healing and turning within for guidance.

(No previous knowledge of the book A Course in Miracles is required.)

Topics also included:

Healing ourselves
¥ Reasons for Sickness
¥ Special Hate and Love Relationships
¥ The Process of Illness
¥ How is Healing Accomplished
¥ Forgiveness
¥ Resistance to Healing

Healing others (teachings for everyone who desires to relieve suffering in others)
¥ The A Course in Miracles approach to healing others
¥ The differences between the healed and unhealed healer 
¥ Purpose of Psychotherapy
¥ The Process of Psychotherapy
¥ Role of the Psychotherapist

An overview of the Course's metaphysical, psychological and spiritual teachings especially in regard to healing of the mind, body and relationships will be covered. 

Brisbane, Australia: Part 1-Sun 21 June, Part 2-Sun 28 June and Part 3-Sun 5 July, 2020
New York, Vancouver, and San Francisco: Part 1-Sat 20 June, Part 2-Sat 27 June and Part 3-Sat 4 July, 2020

Brisbane, AustraliaSun 9.00am to 12.30pm
NewYork, USA: Sat 7.00pm to Sat 10.30pm 
Vancouver and San Francisco: Sat 4.00pm to Sat 7.30pm

The workshop is available to anyone in the world although not all time zones have been shown above.
If people are interested I can also offer a workshop to suit European times e.g. starting 8.30am London which is 9.30am in Germany. The European workshop will be in English with no translation. Please email me if interested:

(If you are interested in doing this workshop with translation into German please email me. If there is enough interest I will put on a three part workshop)

AU$155. (Total cost)
(Some bursaries available. If you wish to apply for a bursary please write stating what you can afford.)
After I receive payment I will email to you the Zoom login details. Just clicking the link I provide will bring you into the workshop. 

Payment method:
Please use my PayPal ÒDonateÓ button on my home page on 
In the PayPal message section please be sure to enter your name and the workshop dates.
(Note: My PayPal only accepts Australian dollars. Just type in 155.)
To know the cost of the workshop in your currency go here.

Once I receive payment you are registered on the workshop and I will send you the link needed to join it. There is no password. 

For cancellations more than 7 days before the workshop commences there will be a cancellation charge of AU$35.Your PayPal refund will therefore be AU$120.
If you cancel 7 days or less before the workshop starts there will be no refund.

If you do not have Zoom installed please click the link I send you after payment at least a day before the workshop and the Zoom app will download automatically and install itself. You will be greeted with a message saying the host has not started the meeting yet. This tells you everything is working o.k. On the day of the meeting if you arrive early you will be placed into a waiting room where I can see you. I can then let you into the workshop. Please mute (switch off) your audio, select Gallery view and switch on your video.

Zoom - Computers, smart phones and tablets
Zoom is a free app for Macs and PCs and will also work on tablets and smart phones. Tablets (e.g. iPad) only allow you to see 9 participants at a time while smart phones limit it to 4 participants at a time. The best experience is obtained by using a computer where you will see all workshop participants on one screen.

Zoom - no smart phones
It also possible to phone in from a non-smart phone but the experience will be limited to audio only. You can still take part in the main meeting room and the virtual room exercises and sharings. Dial in numbers are provided by Zoom and can be found here: You can try the number before the meeting and it will guide you through the procedure. ItÕs a simple procedure.

New to Zoom?
For those new to Zoom I will start the workshop 20 mins earlier when I will demonstrate how to use different views, mute, chat, raise hand, pinning etc.


3 - Awakening to Our Spiritual Reality 
- A 3-part online workshop using Zoom - 
By Michael Dawson

- You can enrol for all or some of the parts - 

Zoom allows for questions, sharings, meeting in virtual rooms for pair exercises and sharings. 
The workshop will be limited to 23 participants so we can all see each other on a computer screen. 
For those new to Zoom I will start the workshop 20 mins earlier when I will demonstrate how to use different views, mute, chat, raise hand, pinning etc.

Awakening to Our Spiritual Reality - workshop description

Forget not once this journey is begun the end is certain. Doubt along the way will come and go and go to come again. Yet is the ending sure. 
A Course in Miracles-Clarification of Terms-Epilogue

The deepest but forgotten truth about ourselves is that we are one with the love and mind of God. Identification with our bodies and personalities blinds us to our spiritual reality. The Course teaches us how to awaken from this dream of separation from God and to experience joy and peace. If our intention to awake is sincere and we have the humility to realise we know nothing and are willing to be taught by spirit we will meet the conditions of awakening.

You do not have to seek reality. It will seek you and find you when you meet its conditions (forgiveness).  
A Course in Miracles T-8.IX.2:5-6


Everyone's path is unique. Some take the steps in different order and sometimes simultaneously, and some appear to miss out some steps all together. Some experience visions, ecstasy, physical phenomena, and other mystical and psychic experiences, whilst others travel a less dramatic path but still reach the same destination - an inner peace, quiet joy and a oneness with all things, and even beyond that oneness.


Many of the challenges on the path return again and again in cyclic fashion until the journey is completed. What is required of us is to start out on an unknown journey with a faith that increases with experience, moving from an initial awakening to a full embodiment in daily life.

Do not seek the truth, simply cease cherishing illusions
Ancient Zen master


The Course has much to help us on our path of awakening and also warns us of the traps on the way. However, some important aspects of the awakening process are not covered in the Course. To help with these I have drawn on the observations and experience of some awakened teachers.


Topics also included:
What is and what is not awakening?
Requirements for awakening
The spectrum of spiritual awakening
Practice or no practice?
Effort or grace?
Gradual and sudden awakenings.
The seekers trap


Exercises will be used to help undo the blocks to awakening.
No knowledge of A Course in Miracles is required.

Brisbane, Australia: Part 1-Sun 16 Aug, Part 2-Sun 30 Aug and Part 3-Sun 13 Sept, 2020
New York, Vancouver, and San Francisco: Part 1-Sat 15 Aug, Part 2-Sat 29 Aug and Part 3-Sat 12 Sept, 2020
The workshop is available to anyone in the world although not all time zones have been shown below.

Brisbane, Australia: Sun 9.00am to 12.00pm
NewYork, USA: Sat 7.00pm to Sat 10.00pm 
Vancouver and San Francisco: Sat 4.00pm to Sat 7.00pm

AU$60 per part. You can enrol for 1, 2 or all 3 parts.
If you enrol for all three parts the cost is reduced to AU$150
(Some bursaries available. If you wish to apply for a bursary please write stating what you can afford.)
After I receive payment I will email to you the Zoom login details. Just clicking the link I provide will bring you into the workshop. 

Payment method:
Please use my PayPal ÒDonateÓ button on my home page on 
In the PayPal message section please be sure to enter your name and which part(s) and date(s) you are enrolling for.
(Note: My PayPal only accepts Australian dollars.)
To know the cost of the workshop in a different currency go to:

Once I receive payment you are registered on the workshop and I will send you the link needed to join it. There is no password. 

For cancellations more than 7 days before the workshop commences there will be a cancellation charge of AU$15 per part.
If you cancel 7 days or less before the workshop starts there will be no refund.

Videos of the workshops
The three parts of this workshop will be videoed and will appear on YouTube and available to the general public. The group sharings at the start and end will not be videoed nor will the sharings in pairs after certain exercises. If you want to ask a personal question you can ask for the recording to be stopped. The great majority of the video will only show my face and the diagrams I use. If you do not want to appear you can switch off your camera. It is a condition of joining the workshop that you accept the workshop will be videoed.

Important - Zoom have addressed the security issues on their app and from June 1st Zoom will only work in version 5.
If you try and join any Zoom meeting with an earlier version they will force upgrade you - a simple procedure. The easiest way to upgrade (or get the app for the first time) is to click on the meeting link and Zoom will guide you through the process.
It would be good to upgrade at least a day before the workshop and test it on the workshop link. You will be greeted with a message that the meeting has not started yet.

If you do not have Zoom installed please click the link I send you after payment at least a day before the workshop and the Zoom app will download automatically and install itself. You will be greeted with a message saying the host has not started the meeting yet. This tells you everything is working o.k. On the day of the meeting if you arrive early you will be placed into a waiting room where I can see you. I can then let you into the workshop. Please mute (switch off) your audio, select Gallery view and switch on your video.

Zoom - Computers, smart phones and tablets
Zoom is a free app for Macs and PCs and will also work on tablets and smart phones. Tablets (e.g. iPad) only allow you to see 9 participants at a time while smart phones limit it to 4 participants at a time. The best experience is obtained by using a computer where you will see all workshop participants on one screen.

Zoom - no smart phone?
It also possible to phone in from a non-smart phone but the experience will be limited to audio only. You can still take part in the main meeting room and the virtual room exercises and sharings. Dial in numbers are provided by Zoom and can be found here: You can try the number before the meeting and it will guide you through the procedure. ItÕs a simple procedure.

New to Zoom?
For those new to Zoom I will start the workshop 20 mins earlier when I will demonstrate how to use different views, mute, chat, raise hand, pinning etc.

Germany Workshop dates for 2021 (not online)

Bonn 11.-13.June. 2021, 
Freiburg 18.-20.2021.



New teaching and healing materials - eBooks and downloadable MP3s:

Price of all three eBooks has been reduced by half to AU$4.99

Inspired by A Course in Miracles.
This is the eBook version of the paper back.

New book in eBook format

Inspired by A Course in Miracles
This is the eBook version of the paper back.

The eBook versions can be read on Kindle, iPad, Microsoft eReader, Nook, PDF readers (Mac and PC) and most eBook readers.
For more details and how to purchase please visit:

Downloadable Mp3s:

This MP3 contains the identical four exercises as the CD

This MP3 contains the identical four exercises as the CD

This MP3 contains the identical three exercises as the CD

For more details and how to purchase please visit:

For free copies of two of my 8 healing exercises please click:
Reducing Physical Pain This audio helps to reduce or eliminate pain and find the cause in the mind so it can be released through forgiveness.
Self Forgiveness. This audio aids us in accepting and forgiving the parts of ourselves we dislike.

Paperback Books:

Healing the Cause - A Path of Forgiveness.  Findhorn Press 1994
Also available in German, Romanian, French, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese.

The Findhorn Book of Forgiveness.  Findhorn Press. 2003
Also available in German, French, Polish and Romanian.

For more details and how to purchase please visit:

MP3s (see above) and CDs:

Healing the Cause:
Since 1986 I have been conducting healing workshops in the UK and abroad, and have continually experimented to find healing and forgiveness exercises that are effective.  I have found that a particular exercise can be effective for one person but not another. Accordingly, I was led to develop a series of exercises. Over the years workshop participants asked if these exercises could be put onto audio cassettes and CDs so they could repeat them. This has resulted in the Healing the Cause - Exercise series - Tapes 1 to 4 (2 exercises on each tape) and CD1 and 2 (4 exercises on each CD)

CD - 3 Healing Exercises in English with German translation. 10 Euro
Ex1. Forgiving Ourselves. 
Ex2. Changing Perception and Finding peace. 
Ex3. Changing Perception of another - exercise for two people.

These exercises are similar to existing exercises already available on CDs but are translated into German.

1. Three Steps of Forgiveness. 
This workshop concentrates on the process of forgiveness from the perspective of A Course in Miracles. Includes 3 healing exercises.
 Recorded at the Annual Miracle Network Conference in London, November 2001. 1 hour 12 mins. One CD

2. Finding and Eliminating the Blocks to Receiving Guidance. 
This talk investigates what stops us hearing the guidance that is ever present in our lives. Recorded at the Annual Miracle Network Conference in London, October 20001 hour. One CD

For more details and how to purchase please visit:



Complete audio version of A Course in Miracles and Supplements available free of charge on YouTube.
These audios are suppled by the publisher of A Course in Miracles, the Foundation for Inner Peace.

A Web search engine dedicated to finding discussion and definitions of terms and concepts found in 
A Course in Miracles as well as Web sites, articles and other writings related to the Course.

Question and Answer Service from the Foundation for A Course in Miracles. 
Their electronic outreach section has a question and answer service on the theory and practice of the Course. Their database of 1,400 questions and answers is searchable. They no longer take new questions as they feel all possible questions have now been put.

Foundation for Inner Peace..........................Publishers of A Course in Miracles and responsible for the translation programme. On-line mail order.

Foundation For A Course In Miracles................FACIM is the official teaching organisation of the Foundation for Inner Peace and the copyright-holder of_A Course in Miracles and all related materials. Publishes the quarterly Lighthouse newsletter. They have extensive on-line mail order for their books, CDs and DVDs.
The Foundation was started by Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick and has moved to Temecula in California. Kenneth is my teacher of A Course in Miracles. His body died in December 2013.
Their publications can also be ordered in Australia at:
Adyar Bookshop
230 Clarence Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
Kenneth Wapnick ......ÉÉÉ Biographical information and excerpts from his writings
by Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick
Index of Links to Miracle Studies Resources ...ÉÉ....... A rich resource of materials on A Course in Miracles by an ex-staff member of the Foundation For A Course In Miracle. Joe also has a blog and has recently published  A Primer of Psychology According to A Course in Miracles.  ÉÉÉÉ A Course in Miracles Resource Web Site for ACIM Students
A Course in Miracles Study groups
Search for A Course in Miracles Study Groups Around the World. 
The Foundation for Inner peace also has a study group search engine.
Miracles Studies Australia  lists study groups for Australia and new Zealand

A Course In Miracles Pen Pals:
The Miracle Network hosts a A Course in Miracles pen pals group:
To  join this e-mail discussion group,  send your e-mail address to  
They will send you  updated lists of other e.pals and  inform them of your e-mail address. ACIM discussion:
This web-based discussion is hosted by Joe Jesseph.



About three times a week I send a short quotation from some spiritual teacher or poet to people who have requested some uplifting thoughts. I have included some below. If you wish I can add your name to the email list.

How long, O Son of God, will you maintain the game of sin? Shall we not put away these sharp-edged children's toys? How soon will you be ready to come home? Perhaps today? There is no sin. Creation is unchanged. Would you still hold return to Heaven back? How long, O holy Son of God, how long?

A Course in Miracles  Lesson 250

The true act of forgiveness requires you to see your own judgments as the crime, the one thing that keeps you from connecting with Source.

Making Love to God: The Path to Divine Sex
Tina Louise Spalding

Do understand that you are destined for enlightenment.
Co-operate with your destiny, don't go against it, don't thwart it.
Allow it to fulfil itself.
All you have to do is to give attention to the obstacles created by the foolish mind.

Nisargadatta Maharaj
I Am That

If you hate something and you focus all your energy on it, you will get more of it! 
So watch who you hate, how you hate, and when you hate, and make a different choice.
If you invest energetically in something, then you will get more of it. Have no doubt about it.
So know that the ripples of hatred and judgment that you send out will come back to you in the form of a magnified energy of that very same frequency, and that is something to contemplate, is it not?

You Can Free Yourself from the Karma of Chaos 
Channelled bTina Spalding

One is more likely to awaken through surrender than through seeking to waken. The effort to awaken is the effort of ego, whereas to surrender is to give up all efforts and to place oneself in the hands of a vast force that is more powerful than any realization of non duality.
When one finally gives up one's futile attempts to make reality conform to one's own wishes, and allows it to unfold on its own terms, all the energy that was tied up in foolish attempts to manipulate the universe is freed up.

Mariana Caplan
Halfway Up the Mountain - The Error of Premature Claims to Enlightenment

Michael Dawson
PO Box 125
Point Lookout
Queensland 4183