Australian Centre for Inner Peace

                    Course in Miracles - inner

Information, Workshops and Articles by Michael Dawson on Finding Inner Peace Through
A Course in Miracles

Forget not that the motivation for this course is the attainment and the keeping of the state of peace.
Given this state the mind is quiet, and the condition in which God is remembered is attained

A Course in Miracles.

Forgiveness ... is still, and quietly does nothing. .... It merely looks, and waits, and judges not.

Here you will find summary charts, introductions and articles on A COURSE IN MIRACLES, extracts from my books,_Healing the Cause - A Path of Forgiveness and The Findhorn Book of Forgiveness, information about my forthcoming ACIM workshops and links to other ACIM and related sites.

There is also a section on related material including inspirational poetry, prayers, quotations and non-dualistic teachings.

Please feel free to copy any of my articles or charts that interest you, but please credit the source and do not alter them if you pass them on to others.

Home Page

What is ACIM?

Information on ACIM

My Articles on ACIM

My YouTube Channel

My Books & Audio Materials
eBooks, paperbacks, MP3s and CDs


Related Material

New! Online Zoom


French and Spanish translations of my articles
plus other authors


A new online Course in Miracles
community from Michael Dawson

My audio healing exercises can also be found on the free app Insight Timer

dotSome help as you do A Course in Miracles 365 Workbook lessons.

dotOnline Zoom workshops

7 Steps to Peace - a guided forgiveness exercise

Tina Spalding - trance channel

Quotes email list

My YouTube Channel - including all healing exercises

All 3 eBooks reduced 50% to AU$4.99

dotRemembering Kenneth Wapnick - new video

Monitor page
for changes



it's private



If you wish to make a contribution to the running costs
of this website please click on the PayPal button.

A Course
                    in Miracles - inner peace


The Australian Centre for Inner Peace now produces a free quarterly electronic newsletter.
Each newsletter contains an article on some aspect of A Course in Miracles plus related articles by other teachers.
Other items will include details about my talks and workshops plus links and contacts.

If you would like to join my mailing list for this newsletter please send an email to:

(Your email address will not be given to anyone.)

Michael Dawson
PO Box 125
Point Lookout
North Stradbroke Island
Queensland 4183

Email enquiries:

email address

Search Engine for ACIM Sites, Definitions and Articles by Joe Jesseph
A Web search engine dedicated to finding discussion and definitions of terms and concepts found in
A Course in Miracles as well as Web sites, articles and other writings related to the Course.

Question and Answer Service from the Foundation for A Course in Miracles.
This Service is designed for students of A Course in Miracles to ask
the Foundation questions about the theory and practice of the Course.

A global map of A Course in Miracles Study Groups

My other website:  The Coming 5G Technology - the asbestos of the 21st century?


 What is A Course in Miracles?

Information on A Course in Miracles

Recommended Books and Tapes

Mail Order Distributors_

Links to ACIM and related sites

Links to ACIM Search Engines

My Articles on ACIM

ACFIP Newsletter Archive

Advice When in Distress

Summary charts of the Course

Pointers On the Path of Awakening

Index to the most commonly asked questions
about ACIM by Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick

A Glossary of ACIM terms, by Kenneth Wapnick

French and Spanish translations

Kenneth Wapnick Interviews in French

Articles on A Course in Miracles

 My Books, Tapes, MP3s and CDs

 Workshops on A Course in Miracles


Healing & forgiving ourselves
- a chapter from my book Healing the Cause

Articles on healing and forgiveness
Healing the
                                      Cause book - A Course in Miracles
                                      - inner
                                      peace,forgive,forgiveness,healing Healing the Cause - A Path of Forgiveness
Cover Photo - A Course in
                                        Miracles - inner
                                        peace,forgive,forgiveness,healing The Findhorn Book of Forgiveness
Case Book of healings
Poetry, prayers and quotes on healing
The healed and the unhealed healer
A Healing Approach (for therapists)
From The Findhorn Book of Forgiveness

Related Materials

Non - Dualistic Materials

Thoughts On Awareness

Maps of the Spiritual Journey

Opening to Our Inner Wisdom

The Enlightenment Trap - Quotes

What does Inner Peace look like?

Pointers on the Path of Awakening

The Voice of Jesus

Poetry and Quotations